Optical Spherical Ball Lenses are commonly used for laser collimating and focusing, laser-to-fiber coupling, fiber-to-fiber coupling, fiber-to-detector coupling, and used for molding,etc.

♥Range of diameter :Dia.0.7mm-Dia.400mm                   ♥ Range of curve radius :R1.5-R∞ etc.      
♥Tolerance of diameter :+/-0.1, +/-0.01, +/-0.005 etc.       ♥Surface accuracy: λ , 1/2λ , 1/4λ , 1/10λ etc.
♥Tolerance of Thickness :+/-0.1, +/-0.05, +/-0.01 etc.        ♥ Centration:+/-2′,+/-1′ etc.
♥Aperture:N 5, 1 etc.                                                       ♥Surface quality:60/40, 40/20, 20/10, 10/5 etc.