1. What is a roof prism?
Roof prisms are specifically made prism with a shape that is similar to the form of a house roof, hence the term “roof prism”. The primary purpose of a roof slit is to reflect light to disperse it in different spectral angles and thus fulfilling the purpose of splitting light. Roof prisms are typically constructed of optical glass or other crystalline materials, but different types of materials can create diverse spectrum effects.

2.The principle and the use of the roof prisms
- Field of spectrometer
In the spectrometer, a principal function for the prism ridge is dispersing the light incident into different wavelengths, creating an image of spectral. Roof prisms are typically employed in conjunction with other optical components like gratings and prisms to facilitate the operation of the instrument for spectrometer. The dispersion angle of a ridge prism is able to meet the requirements for dispersion of various color wavelengths and the rate of dispersion is directly related with the angle of incident as well as wedge angle, among other variables.

- Laser technology field
In the field of laser technology they are mostly used to select frequencies and modulators. In the event of adding roof prisms an output laser beam beam, modulation as well as dispersion of beam output can be achieved, which further improves the reliability and stability for the laser.
- Display Technology
In the field of display technology roof prisms are the most commonly employed to create 3D technologies for display. Roof prisms are able to reflect images from the left and right onto the left and right eyeballs, respectively. This creates an immersive 3D effect that is used to create 3D television, 3D movies and other multimedia applications.

2.Melting Of Optical Lens
The process of melting is making raw material melt into liquids at a high temperatures. The raw materials mixed together are placed in the melting furnace and then heated at a high temperature in order so that they melt. In the process of melting certain parameters like furnace temperature, atmosphere and stir speed must be controlled to ensure the homogeneity as well as durability of the solution. Regular analysis and sampling is required to observe variations in composition as well as physical properties of the glass liquid.
Roof prisms are specifically made prism that has a distinctive shape and spectroscopic characteristics allow it to be widely used in optics. It is used in laser technology, or display technology roof prisms are essential to play a function. This article outlines the basics of roof prisms, both from the fundamentals and applications and hopes that readers be more aware of the phenomenon.
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