Zinc Selenide (ZnSe) Meniscus Lenses

Zinc selenide meniscus(znse meniscus laser lens) lenses are zinc selenide-based meniscus lenses with positive or negative focal lengths. Zinc Selenide transmits in the band of 600nm-16μm and is commonly used in thermal imaging systems, as well as some visible light optical systems. We offer zinc selenide moonroof lenses without coating and with IR2 (8-12 μm) transmittance enhancement coating, or we can customize them according to the actual application. However, it should be noted that zinc selenide is a toxic material, so gloves and hand washing are required when using it.

Zinc selenide meniscus lenses

A curved moon lens has an outer convex mirror and an inner concave mirror. If the curvature of the outer convexity is greater than the curvature of the inner concave, the lens has a positive focal length, and when used in combination with another lens, the positively curved moon lens can shorten the focal length, thereby increasing the numerical aperture (NA) of the system without introducing significant spherical aberration; if the curvature of the concave side is large and the curvature of the convex side is small, the lens is a negatively curved moon lens. Zinc selenide is a commonly used optical glass material in infrared band, the transmission band is 600nm-16μm, with low absorption, thermal shock resistance, etc. It is commonly used in thermal imaging systems, and can also be used in some visible optical systems, and can be used as a substrate for a variety of optical components, such as lenses, optical window lens, and so on.


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